Sunday, September 2, 2012

Update on Boston Baked Beans

Around 12 last night, I got mad that my beans hadn't softened.  I put them back into the slow cooker once again figuring that they would soften up if they just had some more time.  But I was tired so my husband told me not to keep cooking them overnight.  I turned off the heat and let them soak in their hot juices.

To my surprise, I woke up and while a few still refused to soften up, most had finally absorbed the liquid.  But just to be on the safe side, I boiled the beans for another hour.  Hubby thinks they are some of the best beans he has eaten.  I am glad that he likes them.  Now the true test.  Bring them home for my family's labor day picnic and see how they go over.  My family are picky eaters, so if they are praised, its like winning an award for the greatest beans.

Meanwhile, I had soaked another pound of beans overnight in my barbecue liquid.  They are now boiling away at the stove and will be cooking all day.  When I get home from my picnic, hopefully, the beans will be soft and ready to eat.


My beans were not the hit I had hoped they would be at the picnic.  Everyone said they had great flavor but they were still hard.  So my mother was left with a huge container of beans left that she is going to have to boil down.  Oh well.  This is a great learning experience for me because now I know that I need to either find new beans, soak them more or boil them a bit more.  I will experiment more.

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